Lac DyeLac DyeShellac For
FruitFruit CoatingShellac For
CosmeticsCosmeticsShellac For
Shellac ForWood Polish
InksPrinting InkShellac For
CosmeticsCosmeticsShellac Wax For
CandiesConfectionary GlazeShellac For
AbrasivesAbrasivesShellac For
Pharmaceutical ApplicationsShellac For
Welcome to"D. M. Shellac"
More than half a century back M/S. D. Manoharlal (Shellac) Pvt. Ltd. Established their shellac manufacturing unit in the most prominent belt of lac producing in India i.e. Chhattisgarh & set up his office in one & only trade zone of shellac in India i.e. Calcutta.
Initially the company used to produce seedlac, button lac, heat processed machine made shellac. Thereafter the company started manufacturing dewaxed & decolorised shellac grades.

Food Coatings
Shellac is used to coat apples and other fruits to make them shinier.
Shellac Wax
Shellac Wax can be used in consistency agent in Cosmetics, High Gloss Polishes, Lipsticks & for cosmetic industry.
Shellac is used to provide protective candy coatings or glazes on candies.
Why choose us

Technology Used
World class manufacturing technology with best state of the art facility.
Best Team
Highly qualified production team.
Competitive Price
Best of best comparative price at long term business basis.
Our Certifications & Accreditations