Our Vision and Strategy of Sustainability

“We aim to develop sustainable, high-quality shellac based on natural raw materials and we are continuing to expand our policy of procuring raw materials locally – where they are used – and applying a backward integration strategy for key raw materials,”

D. Manoharlal (Shellac) Pvt. Ltd. is committed to operating in accordance with responsible, ethical and sound business principles throughout the value chain, applying stringent standards to its own activities and to its impact on the environment and society at large.

D. Manoharlal (Shellac) Pvt. Ltd. environmental and corporate responsibility work is based on its recognition of the fundamental obligation of business and industry to operate in a sustainable manner, with respect for people and the environment. At the same time, our activities are affected by global health and sustainability trends. We believe that the ability to reduce the risks and exploit the opportunities related to these trends will be decisive for achieving long-term profitable growth.


Sustainability Report